A note on the Amazon ads: I've chosen to display current events titles in the Amazon box. Unfortunately, Amazon appears to promote a disproportionate number of angry-left books. I have no power over it at this time. Rest assured, I'm still a conservative.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Speaking of stupidity: If you're into self-abuse, check out this brain-dead editorial from the New York Times.
To sum up for those of you who would rather not claw your eyes out: Valerie Plame leak bad; leaks that actually harm national security good.
Illegal spying and torture need to be investigated, not whistle-blowers and newspapers.
I've found very few competent, well-known, respected legal minds who believe that the international surveillance program was illegal. And frankly, as a newspaperman I'm loath to have journalists put behind for protecting their sources, but this is a national security matter and it's different than the everyday anonymity given sources.
One more bit of stupidity:
The White House has yet to show that national security was harmed by the report on electronic spying....
Well, I suppose that the only way the White House is going to be able to show national security was harmed by the Times report is when there's another smoking hole in New York City and thousands more dead. The New York Times will run a big story decrying the failure of the administration to catch the bad guys and a year later we'll find out that we missed the terrorists because they read the New York Times and stopped making phone calls overseas.
Unfortunately, the only way then that justice will be able to be done is if the aforementioned hole the terrorists make happens to be the Times building.
12:22 AM