A note on the Amazon ads: I've chosen to display current events titles in the Amazon box. Unfortunately, Amazon appears to promote a disproportionate number of angry-left books. I have no power over it at this time. Rest assured, I'm still a conservative.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Krugman plan: I'd like to thank all of the bloggers/Web sites who've linked to the Paul Krugman banner.
They include (in no particular order):
Private Radio
Poor and Stupid
Accidental Harpist
Random Jottings (which is also running a caption contest inspired by Krugman's mug.
Always Right
Slings & Arrows
Southern By Blog
Countertop Chronicles
Eclipse Ramblings
If I've missed you, send me an e-mail at "hoystory -at- cox -dot- net" and I'll add you to this post.
Honestly, I'm expecting this to last for awhile. As I noted in a post last month:
If Krugman were to outline a plan that was different than whatever the Democrats in Congress end up coming out with, then Krugman would either have to admit that their plan is better than his (something I don't believe his ego would allow), or criticize all, or selected aspects, of the Democrats' plan. The latter would be Krugman's first departure from Democrat orthodoxy in more than four years.
For the record: I will discontinue updating the banner if Krugman doesn't come out with a plan in The New York Times by the end of Bush's second term. Once the number of days tops four digits, it just starts getting ugly.
A couple of Krugman apologists have noted that President Bush has not presented a plan for private accounts. True. Those bloggers should feel free to make their own banner urging the president to come out with a detailed plan.
On a related note: A couple of bloggers have expressed disgust at the prospect of using a banner with Krugman's visage on it. I understand completely. If there are enough individuals who desire a different image, I'll make one. Maybe Elmo? Bozo the Clown? I'm open to suggestions.
1:09 AM