A note on the Amazon ads: I've chosen to display current events titles in the Amazon box. Unfortunately, Amazon appears to promote a disproportionate number of angry-left books. I have no power over it at this time. Rest assured, I'm still a conservative.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Michael Moore is a big, fat idiot: There are honest liberals who truly believe that John Kerry has a sensible, and better, plan for dealing with Iraq than George W. Bush. Frankly, I can't really discern how Kerry's plan is anything more than he will ask "our allies" (read Germany, France) to pretty please send some troops to Iraq. Oh, and it would be nice if the U.N. sent some people in too.
But there are others on the left who are actively rooting for the other side. Markos Zuniga (of the Daily Kostastrophe) was one. Filmmaker Michael Moore is another.
Cox & Forkum, probably the most talented political cartooning duo that is not syndicated, provide their visual take on Moore's latest bit of America-hating insanity. [If I ever manage to get a job where I'm in charge of an editorial page -- I'm buying their cartoons.]

There's a word for people who actively support America's enemies. People who wish for more dead Marines, sailors and soldiers.
Michael Moore is a traitor.
I'm curious if Gen. Wesley Clark, now that he's out of the Democrat presidential nomination race, has the backbone to stand-up and denounce this bit of sedition.
2:44 AM