A note on the Amazon ads: I've chosen to display current events titles in the Amazon box. Unfortunately, Amazon appears to promote a disproportionate number of angry-left books. I have no power over it at this time. Rest assured, I'm still a conservative.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
New hope for Edwards, Dean: Well, it appears as though Sen. John Kerry has a a little Bill Clinton problem. According to Matt Drudge, Kerry apparently had a recent (read 2002 or sooner) affair with an intern.
The question is, what does this mean for the primary campaign, assuming there is enough information to corroborate the reports?
This could turn the race for the Democrat nomination into a two-man race -- between Sen. John Edwards and Gov. Howard Dean.
As exit poll after exit poll has shown, the majority of Kerry supporters are voting for him because they believe he "can beat President Bush." His policy positions don't enter into the equation.
While infidelity may not offend his socially liberal base, it could certainly have an effect on those swing voters in the middle who don't want to have the country go through another Monica Lewinsky-type episode -- especially while in the middle of a war on terrorism. Even the liberals who accept Kerry just the way he is will recognize that his main quality -- electability -- will take a big hit from the charges.
Maybe states like California and New York, which don't vote until March 2, will have a say in who the Democrat nominee is. The media's portrayal of Kerry as the presumptive nominee may be a little presumptuous.
3:45 PM