A note on the Amazon ads: I've chosen to display current events titles in the Amazon box. Unfortunately, Amazon appears to promote a disproportionate number of angry-left books. I have no power over it at this time. Rest assured, I'm still a conservative.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Training basketball players to be men: The Associated Press has an article on the NBA's rookie orientation program -- and the comment from at least one anonymous player demonstrates that while they're legally responsible for their own actions, some of them aren't yet men.
The 59 players gathered in a conference room whistle at the actresses, add their own comments to the scripted innuendo and basically act like boys among boys, which is not far removed from what they are. Fifteen in the group are under 21.
One player comments that the couple on stage don't act like they're committed to a 50-50 partnership. But another says the woman seemed ideal – she knew her place, didn't challenge her upbraiding and acted perfectly compliant to somebody superior to her. (The players' names cannot be used under an agreement which granted reporters access to the drama session for the first time.)
More evidence that sports stars shouldn't be role models for your kids.
12:54 AM