Matthew Hoy currently works as a metro page designer at the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The opinions presented here do not represent those of the Union-Tribune and are solely those of the author.

If you have any opinions or comments, please e-mail the author at: hoystory -at- cox -dot- net.

Dec. 7, 2001
Christian Coalition Challenged
Hoystory interviews al Qaeda
Fisking Fritz
Politicizing Prescription Drugs

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Monday, May 16, 2005
Durbin's lie: Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin made the following statement on "Fox News Sunday":

First, let me say there are only four that are truly contested. Four judicial nominees who have been rejected by the Senate at this point and have been resubmitted by the President. That's never been done before.

False. Untrue.

First, let's outline what the Durbin definition of "rejection" is: a refusal by the Senate to schedule or allow a vote is a rejection. That's a new, common Democratic refrain. It's a point that Sen. Robert C. Byrd made just last week on the floor of the Senate -- that the withholding of consent is by the Senate is a rejection.

Fine. By that very definition -- it has been done before -- by President George W. Bush.

It's been four years, but Democrats forget that one of President Bush's first olive branches four years ago was the renomination of two Clinton nominees who had been bottled up in committee by Republicans at the end of Clinton's second term, Roger Gregory and Barrington Parker.

You shouldn't be surprised to discover that today both Gregory and Parker sit on the federal bench.

12:55 AM

Timing is everything, via Captain's Quarters:

With a showdown looming, a small group of Senate Democrats floated a compromise Monday on President Bush's stalled judicial nominees, offering to clear five for confirmation while scuttling three others.
Under the proposal, circulated in writing, Republicans would have to pledge no change through 2006 in the Senate's rules that allow filibusters against judicial nominees. For their part, Democrats would commit not to block votes on Bush's Supreme Court or appeals court nominees during the same period, except in extreme circumstances.

Officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said that Democrats involved in the compromise would vote to end any filibuster blocking a final vote on Richard Griffin, David McKeague and Susan Neilson, all named to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Democrats would also clear the way for final votes on William H. Pryor Jr. for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and Janice Rogers Brown for the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Both are among the nominees most strongly opposed by organized labor as well as civil rights and abortion rights groups and others that provide political support for the Democratic Party.

Three other nominations would continue to be blocked under the offer: those of Henry Saad to the 6th Circuit Court, Priscilla Owen to the 11th Circuit and William G. Myers III to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Sandy P.
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